तारीख: 11 Oct, 2013 से अब तक के
मूलाकातिओ की संख्या : 3,01,892


Services provided by Mercy Foundation, Anand

Our Objectives

  • To help and give relief to the poor by providing shelter, food and medicines.
  • To Promote and Educate Human Rights Activism
  • To help deserving students by providing Financial Assistances and scholarships to complete their education.
  • To assist them through "Self Employment" schemes.
  • To provide Financial Assistance for the Marriage of poor and orphaned girls.
  • To provide Financial Aid for treatments and surgeries.
  • To promote, help, finance, organize, develop and co-ordinate projects related to educational and social fields.
  • To collaborate with other institutions and associations in other part of India and the Middle East.
  • To establish and run orphanages, nursing homes, primary health centres, hospitals, libraries, schools, colleges and other institutions for the betterment of the community.
  • To receive and collect donations and subscriptions either in cash or in kind or acquire by any other lawful means and spend them in fulfillment of all or any of the aims and objectives of the society.

By the blessing of Allah, the Almighty, Mercy Foundation have a target to do activities for all human beings. This institution is doing all efforts to create harmony in community. And to create awareness among the people. So that people of the society become able economically, socially and educationally.

Various Department of Mercy Foundation, Anand:

  • Makatib Division
  • Yet we find many small villages in Anand, Kheda districts, where Muslim's groups and 15 to 30 houses with molesalamgarasiya cast's people have lived that their houses now also found lamps and statue and where Madrasa or Makatib is not prosperous, and whole street away from basics like kalima, Namaz, Roza etc. and the have surrounded by traditions and disbeliefs we are seeing this incidents information. We are running 15 Makatibs and 395 students are studying in their & Quransharif competition program in inter area also and give gifts.


  • Sewing Machine distributed:
  • Sewing Machines distributed amongst several widow orphans for self employment.

  • Education
  • To encourage education in poor families, we are providing bursaries, scholarships and encouraging prizes to children going to primary and secondary schools.

    Education is one of the light of human, without education the humans are blind. We are trying to help for the technical. engineering and medical to get the admission in higher level study to encourage education among poor families, children taking primary or secondary education are provided with scholarship as well as prizes are distributed for getting good higher percentage marks and distribute Notebooks to 160 nearly families.


  • Relief of widows and poor
  • Relief has been provided to widows, divorces and ignored women. So that they can live with pride and self respect and live without exploited and 960 Orphans, widows helped with oil, groceries and food packets.

  • Loan and financial help
  • We are providing loans without intrerest to needy and poor peoples. We also provide sewing machines, handcars, mechanic kits etc to the needy peoples, so that they can earn their livelihood.

  • Aids for construction and repairing of Masajid and Madresa
  • building of new Masajid as well as repairing and renovation of old structures of Masajid and Madresa has been carried out by our organization in remote areas. Such Masajid have been constructed and renovate so far and sending Quransharif fans.

  • Library
  • In our library there are 3050 Islamic books in Urdu, English and Gujarati. SO that the peoples can increase their knowledge.

  • Qurbani
  • We are distributing Qurbani meat in various areas during Qurbani days.

  • Publication department
  • To bring Islamic awareness and to impart true Islamic knowledge, our organization has distributed more religious books. We are producing the Asama-e-Husna (Names of Allah) and Asama-e-Mohmmdi (Name of the Mohammed (S.A.V.) and Namaz time table and Nabizi (SAV) Sunnat kitab.

  • Bore well and Hand pump
  • Mercy foundation made the hand-pump and bore well and water tank for needy people in inter areas.

  • Rehabilitation
  • Institution help poor, needy, affected people by providing them housing facilities.

  • Idd Gifts
  • Compitico Holy Quran Sharif
  • Computer center


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